MicroBlog Monday: The Name Game

In order to start selling my adorable upcycled baby outfits online, I have to set up a virtual store. For that I need a name. It doesn’t have to say anything about clothes or babies or upcycled t-shirts. It just needs to sound fun and trendy with maybe a little humor thrown in.

Here’s the kind of thing I will be selling. I also plan to make skirts and something else for the preschool age set.


Here’s what I cut and got started on today. There will likely be a ruffle butt on one of these.


That said, I need name help! Last week, a reader suggested something about dogs wearing pants since that is a trending Internet topic. This is what happened when I told Wallace and Ava about dogs in pants.


This picture is so good that I already shared it once.

The peals of fake laughter went on for 10 minutes. They did agree that if dogs wore pants it would be back legs only.

I’m down for references of animals in clothing, plays on my kid’s name, things about fruit or vegetables, tributes to obscure songs, and anything else random that sounds good.

Ace of Spades (I wrote a poem called this not knowing it is a Motorhead song)
Preposterous People (logo of dog in pants and glasses)
Pug in Pants
The Pompous/Preposterous Pug/Pup

About Jenn P

Single mom by choice, lesbian, natural living, parenting, car free, Chicago.Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment!
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21 Responses to MicroBlog Monday: The Name Game

  1. AndiePants says:

    I like the Preposterous Pup! I’m a sucker for alliteration! Also, send me the link when your store is up cause I will def buy some of those cute upcycled baby jumpers!

  2. 🙂 thanks! I like alliteration too. There are a couple places that sell PDF sewing patterns with fun names. One is Patterns for Pirates. They’ve got a supposedly great leggings pattern called Peg Legs. Get it…?! I will be making a post here with the shop when it is up as well as a page at the top of the blog. I have a bunch of bibs I need to sell still.

  3. Lindsay says:

    Preposterous Pup is an awesome one!

    I also liked the one you mentioned before – Ace of Spades. That sounds like it would really appeal to hipster moms on social media.

  4. Lol, all the hipster mommas, all the hipster mommas! (I make up new words for All the Single Ladies all the time…). I like the image I get with Preposterous Pup. That playful and precocious toddler who is better dressed than me. There was an Etsy store a few years ago called the Preposterous Pug and I wasn’t feeling good vibes from that one as much.

  5. Oh my god, me too!! I can’t stop. (The new lyrics to All the Single Ladies, that is.)

  6. I also like the Preposterous Pup! And the Pompous Pup… Alliteration is always awesome. (Ha.)

  7. Are the strips of cloth along the cut pieces for gussets, or for the snaps?

  8. All the messy babies
    All the messy babies
    All the messy babies
    All the messy babies
    Oh oh oh
    Oh oh oh
    If you liked it
    Then you shoulda put a bib on it
    If you liked it
    then you shoulda put a bib on it…

  9. I’m confused. On the pink picture? There are cuffs, neck binding, and leg opening binding. KAM snaps go on the leg opening. Some rompers I use the collar from the shirt and some I use the binding to make it like the neck/shoulders of a onesie.

  10. Traci York says:

    LOVE the laughter picture!

    Another vote here for Preposterous Pup. 🙂

  11. Ah. I thought maybe the bits for the snaps were long gussets (we have a romper with that kind of gusset). The thought of having to sew gussets puts me off from making rompers – do you find they fit alright (as in, don’t pull at the snaps) at the crotch?

  12. A frequent variant at our house: “if you’re hungry, then we better put a boob in it”.

  13. I haven’t gotten to try them on a baby yet. Mine is too big for this. I might be able to try the red one on him. I am using a published pattern. I have seen someone add a circle to the butt but havent tried it myself yet. I will try it soon! Wallace had some similar to these and they didn’t have added gussets.

  14. Love it! I used to say “when in doubt, get the boob out.”

  15. Mel says:

    What about the Rompous. Pompous… but romper…

  16. Hehehe that’s fun! Took me a minute for my brain to stop saying “let the wild rOmpous begin!”

  17. Ours is: all the single kitties,
    all the single kitties
    if you like it you should put your fur on it
    Don’t be mad if you litter gets pee on it.

  18. Off the top of my head:

    The Baby Plan (e.g. thebabyplan.com)
    Dancing Bananas
    Pink Crocodile (because dagnabbit this was a good name my sister and I came up with, and I want to see it used!)

    Good luck with your venture! 🙂

  19. I’m pretty sure homegrown is used a few times. Dancing bananas reminds me of a British kid’s show we used to get in the US called Bananas in Pajamas. I had totally forgotten about it! I like Pink Crocodile. That’s fun and random.

  20. But random isn’t funny. 😦

    Think of it more as, a fashionable reptile.

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