MicroBlog Monday: Books

I decided it would go like this: take, store, sell, donate. I knew I couldn’t bring all my books with me and I didn’t need to. I went through everything at least twice. The final result is jam packed into 2/3rds of my above bed storage.

I lugged them out in laundry basket loads and hauled them through the driver side door. The main door is blocked while parked in my dad’s driveway and it’s as fun as it sounds. Here’s what I got in last night plus I brought in one more overflowing basket today that filled to the place the shelves connect.

I have been putting Wallace’s books into magazine boxes in the cabinets above the dinette. They don’t slide as nicely in and out as I had hoped and I am out of boxes for now.

About Jenn P

Single mom by choice, lesbian, natural living, parenting, car free, Chicago.Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment!
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6 Responses to MicroBlog Monday: Books

  1. lshandlefox says:

    i really admire your organizational skills. I started sorting out the books once, then got extremely bored extremely fast. The result is rows and rows of books lining the walls of the dining room. (Including dozens of board books–should I mention my kids just turned 10 and they haven’t read board books since 2008?) xo

  2. Lol get those board books out of there! It is really easy to just accumulate and not let go of things.

  3. Mel says:

    Ooooh smart to go through it twice. I’ve been trying to do this quickly and race through the process, and as a result, I get rid of things I actually want and end up keeping stuff I don’t really need. It feels cozy to have that many books tucked up there.

  4. I love being surrounded by books and knowing I can pick one up to read at any time. Hopefully, I didn’t pack it too full and end up cuddling them in bed 😉

  5. Sarah says:

    Getting rid of too much stuff sounds wonderful until I’m actually doing it, lol. I need to find some good, basic guidelines for what to let go of and what to keep, and go from there, I think. And books are one of my biggest challenges! It’s hard not to hoard them! Again, I’m impressed with what you’re doing!

  6. I had some help from the KonMari method but didn’t read the book.

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